Submission Guidelines
Dear Authors,
To ensure your submission is successfully received and reviewed, please carefully read the following submission guidelines and prepare and submit your abstract accordingly.
Submission Method
- All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the congress management system.
- Manuscripts should be submitted only in English and there is no fee for submission.
Registration Requirement
- Only registered participants are allowed to submit abstracts.
- It is the submitter's responsibility to ensure that all co-authors approve of the submission, publication, and potential presentation at TSS 2024.
Ethics Statement
You must disclose that the author(s)/scientist(s) have not violated any aspect of the following Ethics Statements:1) Declaration of Istanbul (DOI) ethics' statement
2) Research conforms with the ethical statement on human research subject, Helsinki Declaration of The World Medical Association
3) The Ethics of Xenotransplantation (Xenotransplantation 10:194-203, 2003) For research involving human subjects -The Helsinki.
4) The Transplantation Society Ethics statement.
Contact us
VISA/Registration/ Room Reservation consultation: